Sunday, October 20, 2013

Why End Feed Antenna ?

End feed  half-wave Antenna are pretty much smaller than a dipole  and can be mount in a variety of positions, where  as a dipole are  usually strung horizonal. Yes you can mount a dipole vertically, V or inverted V, but typically they are mounted  horizontally and support by both ends.

  • In a EFA, you typically require one end secure at the feedline and the other end secured or even left hanging
  • End are typically smaller in size than a normal  dipole of the same  band 
  • Also these antenna are easier to  erect for a emergency or SHTF event ( smaller and more compact for carry )
  • They are compact and lite to carry  and do not require a construction of a ground plane as required by a vertical 
For QRP operations, a EFA is a hard item to beat :)

Here's a few links to help you understand EFA. The 1st link is a must if you want to get the down and dirty

EARC has a few good EFAs that are quite affordable, but none where immediately available , required a tuner or didn't meet my initial needs. I probably will add one to my collection at some later date.

If interested, you can contact  Charles  at  "chanebuth  AT" for more information and availability of the antennaes that they do offer.



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